Saturday, February 16, 2008

Food, Glorious Food!

The title of my post is dedicated to all the Snail Lake kids who acted in the production of "Oliver." hahaha.

One good thing about biking is that my Dad and I don't fret about rising gas prices. However, we consume our fair share of caloric energy. By fair share, I mean that I just about triple the calories I consumed in my "life before biking" days. Several people have asked me about what we eat...

Our Breakfast of Champions:
Two bottles Ensure, not that bad if it's cold
Five packets of instant oatmeal
Two cans of canned fruit or real fruit if it's available

On-board Snacks:
Dried fruit
Snickers Almond, quite possibly the best candy ever created
Fig newtons
Peanut butter

1 comment:

brons2 said...

I ride brevets and I also think that Ensure is excellent cycling food. However, it's pretty expensive, I guess that's one downside.

I like to mix my oatmeal with yogurt. Wow 5 packets is a lot.